Code of Conduct


UAI provides the UAI Connect online community for utility and solution provider members in the utility analytics industry. We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion.

This code outlines our expectations for participant behavior as well as the consequences for not adhering to the Code of Conduct guidelines.

We invite all community members to help us realize a safe and positive community experience for everyone.

Community Rules and Etiquette

To ensure the best possible experience for everyone, we have established some basic guidelines for participation. Members must agree to these terms prior to participating in the online community.

This is a space to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversation. By joining and using this online community, you agree that you have read and will follow these rules and guidelines.

To preserve a climate that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate access to this community for anyone who violates these rules. Questions about these guidelines should be directed to UAI’s Member Support via the Contact Us page on this site or by contacting us directly at (831) 296-4061 or

The Rules

  • Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.
  • Refrain from demeaning, derogatory, discriminatory, intimidating, abusive, or harassing behavior and speech. Harassment includes offensive language and comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images; deliberate intimidation, stalking or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of posts or messages; inappropriate contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.
  • Don’t attack others. The discussions and comments are meant to stimulate conversation not to create contention. Let others have their say, just as you may.
  • Use caution when discussing products. Information posted in the community, on the lists and in the libraries is available for all to see, and comments are subject to libel, slander, and antitrust laws.
  • Do not post commercial messages (selling, marketing, advertising of products and/or services) within the UAI Connect community, on any discussion list, resource library entry, or other area where others might see it.
    • Participants must refrain from using the community or any of its features such as posts, messages, and library items, as a sales and/or marketing outlet for themselves or affiliated third-party vendors. Unsolicited promotional posts are not allowed and will be removed.
    • Contributions must be free of promotional messages (including, but not limited to, promotion of products, services, training and events), and sales activities are strictly prohibited. This includes messages posted to the discussion boards and messages sent directly to an individual.
    • If a member posts a discussion looking for product or service recommendations that your company’s products or services address, the best approach is to ask one of your clients to recommend your products or services on your behalf (rather than posting a promotional response yourself). Members enjoy hearing from other practitioners, and your clients’ experience with your products or services will carry far more weight.
    • Participants’ contributions should be unbiased and free of any conflict of interest. As such, please refrain from making comments about affiliates’ or competitors’ products, services or other offerings.
  • The member directory is not to be used for sales prospecting. If we discover the directory has been used for such a purpose, the sender will receive a warning. Three successive violations will result in a 30-day ban. Any subsequent transgression will result in a permanent ban.
  • Please note carefully all items listed in the disclaimer and legal rules below, particularly regarding the copyright ownership of information posted.
  • Remember that UAI and other participants have the right to reproduce postings from this site unless you specify otherwise.
  • Post your message or documents only to the most appropriate community or library. Do not spam several lists, libraries or individuals with the same message.
  • All messages on this site must add to the body of knowledge. We reserve the right to reject any message for any reason.

Community Etiquette

  • Include a signature tag on all messages. We recommend you include your name, affiliation, and location.
  • State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject.
  • Only post a message to the entire list when it contains information that everyone can benefit from.
  • Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me, too” to individuals – not to the entire community. Do this by using the “Reply to Sender” link in the drop-down to the right of every message.
  • Do not post administrative requests, such as “Remove me from the list.” Instead, use the web interface to change your settings or to remove yourself from a community. If you need help please contact us.

Algorithm Alley

  • UAI is not responsible for any sensitive code or content you upload in this repository.
  • Though we have a team of moderators who keep their eyes on Algorithm Alley, we ask you double check that any code or content you upload is not confidential or proprietary to your utility.
  • To protect your privacy, Algorithm Alley is only available to UAI utility members logged into UAI Connect.
  • When posting or interacting within the Algorithm Alley Community we ask you to be considerate, respectful, and collaborative. Please refer to “The Rules” section of the Code of Conduct for specifics around community etiquette. 

The Legal Stuff

This site is provided by UAI as a service for the registered members of UAI. UAI is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on this site by others. We disclaim all warranties regarding information posted on this site by others. We disclaim all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by UAI or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall UAI be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.

Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner. In addition, the posting party grants UAI and users of this site the nonexclusive right and license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print, and use such information or other material exclusively within the UAI membership community and related member-only platforms. This permission does not extend to sharing such content with the public or outside the UAI community.

Messages should not be posted if they encourage or facilitate members to arrive at any agreement that either expressly or impliedly leads to price fixing, a boycott of another’s business, or other conduct intended to illegally restrict free trade. Messages that encourage or facilitate an agreement about the following subjects are inappropriate: prices, discounts, or terms or conditions of sale; salaries; profits, profit margins, or cost data; market shares, sales territories, or markets; allocation of customers or territories; or selection, rejection, or termination of customers or suppliers.

UAI will monitor the site for inappropriate postings; however, we do not undertake editorial control of postings. Community members should help monitor the content posted on the site and report via the Flag as Inappropriate button any inappropriate content or postings. If an inappropriate posting is brought to the attention of UAI, staff will take appropriate action.

UAI reserves the right to review membership at their discretion at any time. Membership in the UAI Connect community is automatic upon becoming a member of UAI. Membership in the UAI Connect community may be subject to additional due diligence. In addition, membership may be subject to further review and adjudication by UAI staff. Violation of the Code of Conduct may subject a member to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the community and all related benefits.

UAI reserves the right to moderate individuals or terminate access for any participant who does not abide by these guidelines.

Email Notifications
Participation in the UAI Connect online community includes an email subscription to the respective open discussion group(s) and, if applicable, your requested or licensed UAI Community Collaboration Exchange (CCX) group(s). To modify your community email subscriptions, visit your Profile > My Account > Email Preferences and Community Notifications. To update your subscription to UAI marketing communications (including communications about events, membership, UAI Communities, promotions, sponsorship, and other relevant information), visit the UAI Opt-Out page. You should carefully consider whether you wish to submit personal information and whether you wish to make your profile available to other users, and you should tailor any content you submit appropriately. You may view and adjust your privacy settings by visiting your Profile > My Account > Privacy Settings.

Privacy Policy

Endeavor Business Media’s Standard Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

While we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us and you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of any passwords or other account information. In addition, other Internet sites or services that may be accessible through our site have separate data and privacy practices independent of us, and therefore we disclaim any responsibility or liability for their policies or actions. Please contact those vendors and others directly if you have any questions about their privacy policies. For any other information please contact us using the Contact Us page on this site or by contacting us directly at (831) 296-4061 or

UAI Connect Dispute Resolution Process

If a participant violates any of the rules included in the UAI Connect Code of Conduct, a UAI staff member or a community administrator will take the steps described below.

Note: UAI reserves the right to change the resolution process at any time and without notice.

Minor Violation: Selling, advertising, marketing, failing to comply with copyright, rudeness, negativity, etc.

  • First time: A UAI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post. Participant will be notified by email that they have violated the UAI Connect Code of Conduct. In the message, the administrator will cite the rule broken. Participant will be asked to discontinue similar actions.
  • Second time: A UAI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post. Participant will be notified by email that they have violated the UAI Connect Code of Conduct. In the message, the administrator will cite the rule broken. Participant will be asked to discontinue similar actions. Participant will be asked to confirm they understand the violation. If the participant does not comply with the terms of the warning, then the participant will be temporarily banned from the community.
  • Third time: A UAI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post and then notify the participant by email or phone that they have been temporarily banned from the community. Depending on severity of the offense, a participant could be banned between thirty and ninety days.
  • Fourth time: A UAI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post and then notify the participant by email or phone that they have been permanently banned from the community.

Major Violation: Sharing inappropriate photos or content, having inappropriate contact with another community member, bullying, cruelty, etc. If there is any question of criminal behavior, UAI will report it to the authorities.

  • First time: A UAI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post. Participant will be notified by email that they have violated the UAI Connect Code of Conduct. In the message, the administrator will cite the rule broken. Participant will be asked to discontinue similar actions, or they will be banned from the community for ninety days. If the participant does not respond to acknowledge receipt of the message and agree that they will not continue these actions, they will be banned for ninety days.
  • Second time: A UAI staff member or a community administrator will remove the post and then notify the participant by email or phone that they have been permanently banned from UAI Connect.

Complaints and Concerns

UAI supports everyone’s right to freedom of speech. All constructive input is highly valued and encouraged.

UAI is a collaborative and educational resource filled with helpful tools, advice, and guidance. UAI Connect is not an appropriate platform to address problems with UAI or its employees, members, services, products, etc.

If you have a complaint or concern, UAI wants to address it. Please contact us directly at (831) 296-4061 or

If negative feedback is submitted through UAI Connect, it will be addressed in the following manner:

  • A UAI staff member will address the complaint or forward it to an appropriate staff member. If a solution is not readily available, UAI will notify the participant that the concern is being researched. A UAI staff member will provide an email address so that the participant may privately share additional information.
  • A UAI staff member will follow up with the designated employee and the participant to ensure a satisfactory response was acquired.

📢 Submission Received – Thank You!

Thank you for your interest in joining a UAI Community! 🎉

Your request is now under review by a UAI staff member, and you’ll receive a response within 2 business days.

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to us at—we’re happy to help!

We appreciate your enthusiasm for being part of the UAI Community and look forward to connecting with you soon!