UAI Honors Utility Analytics Teams, Leaders, and Professionals with 2021 Excellence Awards
Excellence Awards Celebrated During Virtual UA Week
UAI, the only organization dedicated to enabling utility transformation through analytics, in collaboration with awards sponsor, Bidgely, announced the winners of the annual UAI Excellence Awards of 2021 on December 8, 2021, during UA Week Virtual. UAI honors the best in the utility analytics profession, recognizing the individuals, teams, and organizations that have achieved and maintained excellence through innovation.
The 2021 UAI Excellence Awards Winners are:
Best Innovative Utility Analytics Team
Tennessee Valley Authority, Enterprise Analytics
Best Utility Analytics Leader
Tom Hobbib, Manager, Data & Analytics Services – SEMPRA
Best Utility Analytics Professional
Joselle Abagat Barnett, Senior Data Analyst – Santee Cooper
Analytics Ambassador Award
Kim Gaddy, Independent Consultant, Former VP and Managing Director – UAI
Community Engagement Awards
Most Engaged Individual: Ben Ettlinger, Manager of Digital Analytics – New York Power Authority
Most Engaged Utility: SEMPRA (SoCalGas and SDG&E)
UAI also unveiled the Top 25 Thought Leaders in Utility Analytics during UA Week Virtual: This program celebrates utility analytics champions, those individuals who are the most active in the industry and share their insights for the benefit of all. To see the full list of the UAI Top 25 Thought Leaders in Utility Analytics, please visit: https://utilityanalytics.com/2021-award-winners/.
“We’d like to congratulate all of the 2021 UAI Excellence Award winners for their impressive contributions to this industry,” said Leslie Cook, Membership & Engagement Manager, UAI. “Each winner was selected from a pool of talented individuals, teams and organizations and should be proud of this well-deserved recognition.”
“This year’s group of UAI winners represent the leaders of utility transformation who have not only recognized the value of smart meter data but taken strategic initiatives to convert it into actionable intelligence,” said Abhay Gupta, CEO of Bidgely. “As technologies continue to advance, AI-powered analytics will become essential for utility resilience, and these companies are well prepared to lead the charge.”
To learn more about the UAI Excellence Awards visit https://utilityanalytics.com/awards. The call for nominations for next year’s UAI Excellence Awards program will open in early 2022. If you have any questions about the awards program, please reach out to Leslie Cook at lcook@utilityanalytics.com.