As part of its commitment to using data and analytics to solve the world's most pressing problems, SAS' recent work includes helping to save the world's No. 1 food crop pollinator – the honey bee. With the number…
Utilities remain uncertain on how the order intended to secure the bulk power system from foreign cybersecurity attacks will impact current projects and the installed infrastructure base. U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on May 1, 2020, that…
Guidehouse Insights report shows North America is the leading microgrid market, claiming 36.3% of global capacity. A new report from Guidehouse Insights examines data on known grid-tied and remote microgrid projects in the proposal, planning, and deployed stages across…
A new energy economy will require long-term interaction between energy companies and communities hosting next-generation energy infrastructure. Living in a city, it is easy to forget that one in five Americans — about 60 million people —…
The Virginia Clean Economy Act will foster economic development across Virginia, reduce carbon emissions. The Virginia Senate recently passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act, after the House of Delegates’ approval of the bill. Governor Ralph Northam is…
Getting better at storm-related outage prediction Utilities need to know the “ground truth” One of the utility’s primary missions is to minimize outage frequency and duration. Outage prevention is even more important during the COVID-19. Until recently, storm-related…
Resource planning has changed a lot over the last five years, with the increase in intermittent renewables and distributed energy sources. In 2018, the piece Are DER Heavy Utilities Being Held Captive by Technology Limitations?, posited that analytical…
Solutions to provide Greater Boston with enhanced electric reliability and clean energy capacity. National Grid and Eversource are preparing to meet the energy shortfall expected to be caused by the eventual retirement of the Mystic Generating Station. New…
Government agencies, environmental organizations, and manufacturers around the globe hold high hope for a green H-based economy. During my time as a young engineer at an electric utility, the standing joke we shared internally about the gas…
One of the world’s largest energy companies, ENGIE, is committed to being the world leader in the transition to a zero-carbon future. Achieving that goal led to a digital transformation of the business. The digital transformation of…
ABB Power Grids recently launched its Asset Performance Management Edge solution for power transformers. ABB’s Power Grids business has launched its APM Edge solution for transformers. This technology accommodates the growing complexity of grid operations to safeguard…
Ever since the 2003 blackout, vegetation management has improved, largely due to FERC regulation. Still, improvement has been mostly in transmission. The “last mile” of distribution has not achieved maturity. The good news is that analytics infrastructure -…