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Is Your Utility Ready for Smart Inverters?

Smart inverters are getting more attention these days with utilities looking to mitigate voltage instability and variability on the system brought forth by distributed energy resources (DER). As the penetration of DERs increases, autonomous operation of smart inverters…
Jill Feblowitz
September 27, 2019

A virtual environment with AI-powered digitization

AI-powered technologies are transforming business models, value streams, and revenue opportunities throughout the electric power industry. The prime directive for the “Charging Ahead” department at T&D World is to explore new technologies and older technologies that are being reestablished or…
Gene Wolf
July 17, 2019

How to Determine the Right Mix of DER

The Austin Energy SHINES project optimizes utility-scale and behind-the-meter resources with a mix of centralized and distributed intelligent systems. Austin Energy is transitioning rapidly into a utility with significantly high levels of renewable resources. In 2015, only 20%…
Lisa Martin
June 25, 2019